Keywords: environmental aspects, investment policy, nature management, sustainable development, economic mechanism, natural resources, regulatory mechanisms


The article examines the importance of environmental aspects in the context of investment policy, which is defined as a key component of the economic mechanism of nature management. The research aims to analyze the economic and environmental factors influencing the attraction of investments in the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine, and to determine strategies for their optimal use to achieve sustainable development of the sector. The research uses complex analytical methods, including statistical analysis of economic indicators of the sector, ecological assessments of the impact on the environment, as well as case studies and analysis of modern approaches to investment development in the agricultural sector. It has been determined that the effective attraction of investments in the agricultural sector of Ukraine requires taking into account not only economic indicators, but also environmental aspects. The obtained data show the potential for increasing productivity due to the introduction of the latest technologies, as well as the need to improve regulatory mechanisms to ensure the sustainable use of natural resources. The author analyzes the impact of investment decisions on the state of the environment and natural resources, emphasizing the need for a balanced approach to investing, which takes into account not only economic benefits, but also environmental risks. The article examines the main principles and instruments of investment policy from the point of view of their impact on the natural environment, as well as approaches to increasing investment efficiency by integrating environmental criteria into investment decision-making. The study also highlights the role of regulatory mechanisms in ensuring effective management of natural resources through investment policies.Taking environmental aspects into account in investment decisions helps to reduce the negative impact of industrial and agricultural processes on the environment. In addition, the article analyzes modern trends in the use of green investment instruments that contribute to the development of environmentally friendly technologies and the sustainable use of natural resources. The results of the study can serve as a basis for the development of strategies for investment development of the agro-industrial complex, which will contribute to increasing the competitiveness of Ukrainian agricultural enterprises on international markets, reducing the impact of agricultural activities on the environment and raising the standard of living of the rural population.


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