Keywords: marketing channels, strategic planning, formation, product promotion, global markets, international trade, economic activity, development, volume expansion


The article focuses on issues of organization and implementation of the company's policy in terms of promotion and sales of products on global markets of goods and services. The argumentation is given that one of the most important and responsible tasks in terms of promoting the products of enterprises to foreign markets is the formation of international marketing channels as so-called conditional routes (business entities that participate in transportation, logistics, distribution, etc., sometimes including with a change of right holder), which goods follow from the places of their production to places of their consumption in foreign markets. The purpose of the article is the generalization and development of theoretical, methodological, applied provisions and knowledge about the development of international marketing channels for the promotion of the company's products to global markets. It has been proven that the formation of a marketing channel for the promotion of products to global markets serves as a key element of marketing support for export, in particular, foreign trade activities of enterprises. In turn, its constituent stages are the complete disclosure of the distribution channels system, which is currently used by the enterprise for the promotion and sale of goods (services) in foreign sales markets. It was determined that the next stage is the generalization of information about existing organizations and agencies that participate in the distribution of products (services); costs associated with system operation; difficulties and obstacles in the way of its functioning. It has been identified that the next policy steps relate to planning, organization and implementation of rapid changes in the existing system of promotion of products (services) by making decisions based on the data summarized at the previous stages of analysis. It was determined that the next step in the modernization of the company's marketing channels concerns the consideration of external environmental factors and competitive constraints. It is shown that the final stage should be considered the implementation of a comparison of existing marketing channels with their prospective vision and, in case of discrepancies, the development of a plan of measures for their convergence. As a result of corrective measures, in fact, optimal marketing channels for promoting the company's products (services) to global markets are developed.


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