The article is devoted to topical issues of determining the essence and features of the formation of competitive strategies at enterprises. It has been determined that one of the key areas of strategic planning is the competitive strategy of the enterprise, which generates competitive advantages and foresees prospects of effective functioning and development. The criteria for the formation of competitive advantages of the enterprise were studied. In Ukraine, new conditions are gradually being created for the activities of enterprises, under which a strategic approach, the concept of strategic management and working out a development strategy acquire special importance. However, most enterprises have a low level of development of these components, especially in the field of marketing strategies. Despite this, the implementation of marketing strategies is an effective way to ensure the appropriate level of competitiveness and successful functioning of the enterprise in modern business conditions. The issue of developing marketing strategies to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise is relevant and plays an important role in production processes, the formation of sales policy, the organization of sales activities and the development of the marketing management system. The article proves that taking into account and following the principles of strategy development makes it possible to create an effective means of achieving the company's goals, ensuring high competitiveness and flexibility. The peculiarities of the formation of the company's competitive strategy are substantiated, and the conceptual provisions of this process are defined. The article also substantiates the theoretical and methodological approaches to the selection of competitive strategies of enterprises and presents the marketing direction of their improvement. The scheme of the stepby- step formation of the enterprise's marketing strategy based on the structural and logical scheme and the assessment of the enterprise's competitive positions is presented.
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