Keywords: modern management, Ukrainian enterprises, global challenges of war, digital transformation, professional management competencies, perspective development, strategic management, strategic priorities


The article updates the issue of orientation of the modern management of Ukrainian enterprises to prospective development during the war and accelerated processes of Industry 4.0, which requires the implementation of a new flexible management strategy that will ensure the adaptation of enterprises to the realities of war, the use of innovative digital technologies for their sustainable development, and lay the foundations of the post-war innovative growth of the national economy. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the prospective directions of development of modern management of Ukrainian enterprises in the conditions of global challenges of war and digital transformation and to develop proposals for adaptive strategic management of enterprises as the basis of sustainable innovative growth of the national economy. As a result of the study, the extremely important scientific and practical importance of implementing the basic principles of modern management of Ukrainian enterprises for strategic prospects and new opportunities was revealed. A number of promising directions for the development of modern management of Ukrainian enterprises are proposed: innovative professionalization of managerial activity, which will provide new opportunities and prospects for modern management of enterprises in conditions of high risks and rapid automation of labor; the priority of human-centered education and the latest human-centered management culture, the tools for ensuring which are the professional competencies of management personnel, which are of extremely significant scientific and practical importance for the development of flexible management of enterprises in the conditions of the global challenges of war and digital transformation and for its prospects; the development of network organizational-managerial structures as innovative forms of management of inter-enterprise cooperation, capable of ensuring the competitiveness of Ukrainian enterprises and determining the future strategic prospects of their sustainable innovative growth due to the synergy effect of digital technologies; the formation of strategic priorities of the latest management of Ukrainian enterprises, which will help to determine the special significance of the implementation of flexible adaptive strategies of enterprise management to ensure the post-war sustainable innovative development of the national economy. An author's model of the modern professional competence of the managerial staff of Ukrainian enterprises is proposed, the implementation of which would allow to ensure their adaptation to the global challenges of war and digital transformation, to form the personnel potential of the future and to lay the foundations of a new stage of strategic management of enterprises. The prospects for further research on this topic are outlined, which involve a thorough analysis of the generation of strategic management of Ukrainian enterprises to ensure post-war growth in accordance with the principles of the "green" economy: sustainable development, decarbonization, inclusion, environmental safety.


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