Keywords: marketing analytics, marketing analytics tools, digital marketing, digital technologies, planning, marketing strategies, brand communications


The purpose of the article is to study the essence of marketing analytics, the main digital tools, and their role in strategic planning and brand communication. Emphasis is placed on the fact that marketing analytics is not only a special assessment of the effectiveness of marketing measures but also an element of strategic planning that ensures business adaptation to dynamic changes in the external environment. Modern approaches to marketing analytics are analyzed and the actual interpretation of this concept is given. The main tasks of marketing analytics, the stages of its implementation, and key factors affecting the analysis process are considered. Also, it is about technological changes that require enterprises to constantly improve their analytical tools, as well as about changing consumer behavior that dictates new approaches to developing marketing strategies. The article focuses on the use of such modern digital technologies as Big Data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to improve the effectiveness of marketing communications. These tools can more accurately define target audience segments, personalize marketing communications, and predict consumer behavior, which increases the effectiveness of marketing efforts. A detailed description of the mechanism of marketing analytics is given, which includes several stages: definition of goals and objectives of marketing analytics, selection of methods, tools, data collection, and processing; data analysis; interpretation of results and preparation of recommendations; management decision-making; designing changes in the company; monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of changes. An approach to the division of marketing analytics tools into operational and strategic analytics is proposed, which contributes to the effective management of the company's brands and adaptation to changing market conditions. It emphasizes the need to integrate marketing analytics into the overall strategy of the company's development, which allows for a comprehensive approach to business management and achieving long-term goals. The article makes a significant contribution to the understanding of modern marketing analytics and its role in managing enterprises in the digital economy.


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