An important vector of the functioning of domestic business entities should be the activation of innovative activities as a factor for achieving success on the market, as well as an important guarantee of survival in the conditions of intensifying competition and under martial law. The unsatisfactory state of innovative activity of the vast majority of Ukrainian enterprises is explained by the limited financial resources directed to the innovation sphere, the increased risk of any investment as well as the absence of an effective policy in the country that promotes innovation. Ensuring the development of industrial innovations requires the creation and functioning of relevant institutions that will influence innovative activity in the industrial sector and promote the introduction and spread of innovations. Therefore, the formation and development of the national innovation system is an extremely important aspect of industrial and innovative development and an indispensable logic for the implementation of the national innovation policy. The activation of innovative activity is possible only on the basis of a developed financing system designed to ensure the solution of the following most important tasks: creation of the necessary prerequisites for the rapid and effective introduction of innovations in all sectors of the national economic complex of the country, ensuring its structural and technological restructuring; preservation and development of strategic scientific and technological potential in priority areas of development; creating the necessary material conditions for preserving the personnel potential of science and technology, preventing its outflow abroad. To improve the stimulation of innovative activity in Ukraine, a new comprehensive mechanism for stimulating the entire innovation process is needed - from fundamental research to the introduction of developments into production. The creation of such a mechanism is expedient not only at the state level, but also at the regional level. The unsatisfactory state of innovative activity of the vast majority of Ukrainian enterprises is explained by the limited financial resources directed to the innovation sphere, the increased risk of any investment, and the absence of an effective policy in the country that stimulates innovation. In the future, the main source of funding for innovative activities should be private financial resources of domestic and foreign investors with legislative support of the innovative sphere from the state.
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