As part of the study, it was determined that the globalization of the world economic system contributes to the spread of the illegal use of intellectual and commercial resources for the purpose of illegal profit-making. Anticounterfeiting measures should be implemented on the basis of improving cooperation and coordination of efforts at the national, regional and international levels among various authorities and business structures. In the long term, the most radical means of combating unfair competition should be considered to eliminate the socio-economic reasons for the existence of counterfeiting. This concerns the improvement the living standards and the legal culture of the population of underdeveloped countries, which are the main producers and consumers of counterfeit goods and services. It is shown that in the conditions of the internationalization of the market economy, the trends of illegal use of other people's intellectual and commercial resources for the purpose of illegal profit are spreading; the problems of protecting modern businesses from unfair competition are due to their location in the territories of several countries with different jurisdictions, as well as the appearance of new objects of intangible assets, the norms of legal protection of which and the mechanisms for their implementation have not yet been formed. It was found that the most common acts of unfair competition are the distribution of counterfeit products and the unlawful collection, disclosure and use of trade secrets; the most expedient in the fight against counterfeit goods is the harmonization of legislation on protection against unfair competition; modern anti-piracy measures should be implemented on the basis of improving cooperation and coordination of efforts at the national, regional and international levels among various authorities and business structures. It was concluded that the most radical means of protecting commercial secrets in relation to electronic business and electronic commerce is the simultaneous application of legal methods and modern information security technologies.
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