The article studies the economic essence of the transport&forwarding activity of the enterprise. The features of transport&forwarding services as a form of intermediary operations in the sphere of providing transport services for the transportation of goods in the system of economic relations are disclosed. Possible relationships of participants in the provision of transport&forwarding services have been highlighted. The procedure for regulation of the implementation of transport&forwarding activities and the peculiarities of providing such services is considered. The main participants of transport&forwarding activity in the system of economic relations are identified. The study uses general scientific methods and specific techniques. The methodological basis is a systematic approach that made it possible to determine the place of accounting in the transport&forwarding activities of enterprises. The study uses methods of theoretical generalization and observation - to study the legal regulation of transport&forwarding activities. A logical analysis was used to study the general trends in the development of transport&forwarding activities. Special attention is paid to the structure of transport&forwarding services and the functions of transport&forwarding activities of enterprises. Transport&forwarding activities of enterprises are also considered as an integral component of effective supply chain management. Peculiarities of transport&forwarding activities are studied and the need to introduce innovative technologies and digital tools to improve the efficiency of the accounting and control system in transport&forwarding activities of enterprises is analyzed. The main aspects of transport&forwarding activities are studied, including the management of logistics, storage, transportation and forwarding as well as their influence on the development of an effective accounting system of transport&forwarding enterprises. The aim of this article is to highlight the importance of accurate accounting and control in transport&forwarding activities to enhance supply chain efficiency, ensure accuracy in financial reporting as well as improve the competitiveness of enterprises in the current conditions of globalized markets.
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