The differences between many types of entrepreneurship are due to different levels of social division of labor, the nature of specialization and socialization of production, as well as the choice of technological types of production processes.The article emphasizes the importance of implementing the state policy of supporting the development of the small and medium-sized entrepreneurship sector, which is due to its ability to solve rather complex tasks of ensuring the stability and progress of the national economy, especially in the conditions of new market challenges. A number of institutional and structural characteristics of the development of the small and medium-sized entrepreneurship sector, which are closely connected with the state administration system and correlated with the directions of state regulation of the economy, have been identified. A set of mechanisms and instruments (means) of the state policy to support the development of the small and medium-sized entrepreneurship sector is proposed, in particular (1) institutional (development of regulatory and legal provisions that stimulate the development of entrepreneurial activity; introduction of strategic planning for the development of the sector; promotion of integration processes in the sector; ensuring consistency and predictability of regulatory policy in the business environment), (2) investment (development and implementation of pilot investment and innovation projects in the business environment; stimulation of investment business activity; development of an efficient and extensive network of financial and credit funds for business investment support; creation and development of investment platforms) , (3) organizational (development of information and communication networks in the sector; organization of ongoing monitoring and control of the business environment; deregulation and simplification of doing business; strengthening of information-analytical and marketing-promotional support for business initiatives), (4) infrastructural (development of financial credit infrastructure for business support; formation of the digital industry in the entrepreneurial environment; building a full-fledged infrastructure of deshadowing of the economy and anti-corruption regulation; development of innovative and technological infrastructure in the sector).
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