• І. S. Коsolovskiy Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: nooeconomics, cognitariat, sensual culture, ideational culture, urgy, gonia, ontological novelty, inclusive institutions


The cultural connotations of axiological texts of economic activity in their institutional modifications of economic development are investigated. On the basis of the dichotomy of forms of cultural mentality, the paternal configurations of the institutional architecture of economic systems and the prospects of their evolution are analyzed. It is argued that the praxeological determinism of the urgical activity of the post-industrial economy of sensual culture, having reached the limits of the substantial primary element of material reality through the use of digital and quantum technologies and artificial intelligence, will face the continuous infinity of knowledge and practice of the immanent nature of man himself. This type of economy is defined by us as nooeconomics - the intelligible creativity of axiological texts of ontological novelty to remove existential contradictions between being and non-being. At the same time, it is emphasized that the proposal of this type of texts will represent the need for a human, not a machine presence, where the value will preserve the substantial dimensions of living labor - spontaneous fluctuations of consciousness of unpacking the compressed meanings of the semantic vacuum to create images of aesthetically, normatively and existentially filled worlds of known perfection. Nooeconomics is interpreted as an institutionally inclusive space of an intelligibly expanded horizon of praxeological choice, where opportunities are not determined by external material circumstances, but exclusively by the cognitive immanent potential of creating texts of ontological novelty. It is also postulated the axiological resuscitation of existential narratives of symbolic exchange next to the market one in the conditions of nooeconomics to the extent that the zero marginal costs of production of digital technologies and the totality of quantum reality, emancipated from the determinism of the progressive localization of the existing, do not nullify the principle of scarcity in access to material means of existence, expanding to infinity supply opportunities, rather than demand needs, in the form of a surplus - an undiscrete format of a consumer good that satisfies the needs of many consumers to the extent of their cognitive adequacy.


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