Keywords: diplomacy, public diplomacy, cultural diplomacy, economic cooperation, international economic relations


In recent decades, technological changes and globalization have significantly changed international economic relations. The transformations taking place in world politics, driven by global mass communication and the development of new forms of international economic relations based on cyberspace, have forced diplomacy to adapt to the new order. Traditional diplomacy has moved out of its narrow, rigid framework, modifying its goals, forms and means to meet the needs of the 21st century audience, leading to the formation of public diplomacy. The phenomena of globalization, the creation of new ways of public administration and the reformatting of international economic relations have led to the emergence of new forms of presentation and implementation of foreign policy goals and objectives of states. Foreign ministries around the world have reoriented their methods of conducting foreign policy, adapting them to the changing world system and the expectations of the global audience. Institutional transformation and conceptual changes in diplomatic practice have resulted in a focus on openness and building deep relationships in which non-state actors and citizens, especially those living abroad, are actively involved. Classical diplomacy, reserved for governments, has undergone significant changes, directly affecting international economic relations. The article discusses in detail how the phenomenon and research of public diplomacy can be related to international economic relations. Particular attention is paid to the concept of public diplomacy, which combines elements of foreign policy, propaganda, political marketing and cultural diplomacy. Public diplomacy, as noted, contributes to the formation of a positive image of the country and the development of international economic cooperation. The role of education in public diplomacy is also analyzed, emphasizing its importance for intercultural dialogue, tolerance and the development of international relations. The authors note that economic propaganda and promotion of national brands are important aspects of public diplomacy that contribute to the development of international economic relations.


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