The intellectualization of labor has been an important component of the functioning and development of enterprises for a long time, and in the course of globalization and neo-industrialization, this dependence has significantly increased and will only grow in the future. The article substantiates a number of competitive advantages that create intellectual capital for enterprises, in particular the field of IT services, and emphasizes the importance of its active accumulation and use in all areas of economic activity. The priority importance of processes of intellectualization of labor is highlighted and attention is paid to their main parameters – creative potential, professional competences, professional qualification level, labor activity, creative abilities of personnel. The toolkit for the formation and development of the intellectual capital of enterprises in the field of IT services has been determined, the distribution of which is carried out according to the following characteristics: creation of competitive workplaces in view of changes in the IT industry, compliance with institutional and legal norms of labor legislation, implementation of collective contractual regulation of social and labor relations, creation of conditions for professional and qualification development in the field of IT services, strengthening of labor motivation in the creation of IT products, provision of social protection and provision of social guarantees by business – tools for the formation of intellectual capital; differentiation of forms of employment in the IT sphere, increase in labor and social activity, establishment of trust relations and equal partnership, participation in the capital of the IT enterprise and management decision-making, increase in the level of social and labor cohesion, moral and ethical norms, realization of the employee’s personal potential in creating IT products, commercialization of intellectual property objects – tools for the development of intellectual capital. The importance of compliance by the management of enterprises in the field of IT services with the principles of productivity, responsibility, culture, partnership, motivation, socialization and others in the formation and development of intellectual capital is emphasized.
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