The article presents the results of an attempt to study the role of trade merchandising factors in shaping the atmosphere of a retail trade enterprise for its further efficient and profitable functioning. It is shown that creating the most convenient, favorable atmosphere for a visitor is the main idea when creating a retail trade enterprise (hereinafter - RTE). A trip to the store can be a hard necessity, or it can be a pleasure, a small holiday. The store atmosphere is an environment that the seller can create himself, as opposed to the influence of external factors. The store's atmosphere is determined by a combination of many factors: interior design and equipment, product display, staff qualifications, and much more. And the management of a retailer covers all areas of its operations. The purpose of an effective management implementation system is to build a rationally planned and organized system that allows responding to changes in market conditions through managerial influence on internal variables of business processes. The considered elements of merchandising together form its complex as a system of interrelated and purposeful actions that can change depending on specific market conditions and consumer requirements. According to the abovementioned four-element concept, all its elements are divided into basic components with marketing tools and visual merchandising. Together they form a system of merchandising tools and methods in the form of symmetrical elements, i.e., elements of brand positioning and elements of arrangement of the internal space of a retailer. It is determined that the merchandising process also contains a system of variables that ensure the promotion of goods based on the psychology of customers: distribution of goods in the sales area, planning of the sales space, presentation of commodity items, level of illumination, color reproduction, media aroma support, advertising at the point of sale. Generalizing the functions of merchandising allows to define the components of the merchandising tools. It is concluded that a set of measures for the effective management of a retail trade enterprise is a broad concept that includes both behavioral and visual merchandising, covers all variables of trade and technological processes controlled by the enterprise management that affect the efficiency and profitability of management.
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