The article examines the genesis of the peculiarities of the implementation of the macroprudential policy of the central bank as a means of maintaining the financial security of the state. The essence of macroprudential regulation and supervision is defined as the application of measures aimed at reducing the negative impact of systemic risk and cyclical risk, as well as ensuring the stable development of the financial sector. It is substantiated that previous world crises have shown that the financial system has a significant impact on the financial security of the state. At the same time, they caused changes in the regulation and control of the non-banking market in many countries, and in Ukraine in particular. The goals of macroprudential regulation are described. The influence of the main instruments of macroprudential policy on the parameters of the economic system has been studied. The main negative factors affecting the financial security of the state have been identified. The domestic experience in the regulation of the financial system is studied, that is, the chronology of the introduction of instruments for the regulation of the market of non-bank financial institutions is highlighted in terms of: insurance market, credit unions, lessors, factoring and financial companies, pawnshops, credit history bureaus, collection companies, commercial agents and payment service operators. The main principles of macroprudential regulation and supervision and its key tasks are disclosed. Changes at the international level regarding macroprudential supervision of the financial system of any country are covered. The key regulatory acts that resulted from the introduction of this policy of macroprudential regulation are highlighted. The classification of macroprudential policy instruments recommended by the Committee on Global Financial Stability is described. Possible ways to improve the policy of the National Bank of Ukraine are revealed.
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