Trade entrepreneurship plays an important role in the effective functioning of the national economy, adjusting it to market rails, establishing a competitive environment in the economy, ensuring employment of the population, performing social functions in society, reducing social tension, etc. The activity of business entities in trade entrepreneurship provides a significant share of the gross domestic product, the creation of new jobs. In the conditions of martial law in Ukraine, a fundamentally new situation gradually began to take shape in trade, often not favorable for business entities and the progressive development of the economy. The causes of unfavorable trends are related to the destruction of the material and technical base of economic entities, objects of industrial and social infrastructure, and entire settlements and territories of the country. Crisis manifestations are observed in the socio-economic and institutional environment in which domestic trade functions. The problem is aggravated by the low solvent demand of the population, the loss by domestic business entities of part of the domestic market by territory and population. Military actions on a large territory of the country, instability of the macroeconomic situation, permanent problems in the system of state regulation and control negatively affect the development of Ukrainian trade entrepreneurship. It should be noted that in many cases existing problems and disproportions in the development of trade entrepreneurship are the result of inadequate state attention to trade problems. The article examines the impact of trade entrepreneurship on the performance of the national economy. Factors affecting the state of domestic trade are considered. The problems of trade entrepreneurship caused by a full-scale war, as well as modern trends in the development of trade, are studied. Based on the results of the research, a conclusion was made regarding the need for an adequate response by state bodies and economic entities to changes in the influence of external environmental factors, accurate assessment of positive and negative trends in the trade industry, state support of economic entities.
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