Keywords: high-tech startups, the field of information and communication technologies, innovations, state policy, strategic priorities


The article substantiates the importance of the development and implementation of the state policy for the development of high-tech startups. Attention is focused on the importance of the development of startups in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT) and the role of the state in ensuring this process. The goal of the state policy for the development of high-tech startups in the field of ICT should be considered the activation of the processes of innovative and technological development both in the field of ICT and in the national economy, as well as the implementation of the potential of high-tech startups to strengthen the competitiveness of the national economy and its priority sectors. The strategic priorities of the studied state policy include the following: strengthening the stability and economic security of the state, countering hybrid threats; the impetus of systemic structural reforms using the potential of high-tech start-ups in the field of ICT; triggering innovative and technological progress of the national economy; increasing the contribution of high-tech startups to strengthening the competitiveness of the ICT sector of Ukraine; the performance of the ICT sector as a factor in implementing the potential of strategic sectors of the economy; the spread of digitalization of the national economy and society at the expense of high-tech startups; scaling and increasing the efficiency of high-tech startups. A set of indicators has been determined, the values of which signal the achievement of the defined strategic priorities of state policy. It is noted that both in the pre-war period and in the conditions of a fullscale war, Ukraine achieved significant success in increasing the number of start-ups in general and successful startups, in particular high-tech ones, especially in the field of ICT. A number of innovative developments, which the field of ICT currently offers to meet the needs of leading enterprises both in terms of the rate of development and the level of innovation and technological modernization, are highlighted. Examples of effective high-tech startups, specializing in developments for subjects of the domestic ICT sector, are given.


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