Monitoring of the results of a comprehensive study of factors that have the greatest impact on the level of development of hotel services in Ukraine was carried out. The current state of the market of hotel services in Ukraine for persons with disabilities in the conditions of modern challenges is analyzed. In general, the state of professional training of future specialists in the service of persons with disabilities is associated with difficulties arising in the process of informational and methodological support. Therefore, one of the ways to successfully solve existing problems in the training of hotel staff is the introduction of innovative methods and practical skills for serving people with disabilities. This means creating projects, business games, trainings so that during training employees can simulate practical situations similar to professional activities and work with persons with disabilities. In order to determine the readiness of the staff to provide services to persons with disabilities, attention is focused on the level of their readiness. Three personal motivation complexes have been formed in the professional activity of hospitality industry specialists: internal motivation: recognition of the value of work, desire to perform work, satisfaction with the process and its results; external positive motivation: material incentives, career growth, prestige; external negative motivation: fear, shouting, accusations, fines). This allowed us to determine the type and level of importance of specialists in the field of services for persons with disabilities. The dynamics of motives and goals of professional training of personnel to provide quality hotel services to persons with disabilities, which is considered the essence of readiness to serve this category of guests, were studied. It has been proven that self-realization and self-development have a significant impact on the development of skills that adequately respond to changes and improve important professional qualities, as well as on the specialist's orientation to self-realization, behavior and the acquisition of moral values.
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