The article focuses on the fact that modern enterprises in the maritime business sector operate in harsh, constantly changing environmental conditions, which increases competition, requires rapid development of innovations and slows down the pace of economic growth. It is substantiated that the integration of Ukraine into the world economic space allows accelerating the application of a logistics approach to solving issues of increasing the competitiveness of domestic enterprises in international trade markets. It is proven that effective international logistics is critically important for economic growth, export diversification, increasing the welfare of Ukrainian citizens, creates new jobs, stimulates the development of related industries and is able to increase the competitiveness of maritime enterprises through the optimization of business processes. The focus is on the activities of sea commercial ports in modern conditions of the global economic system, which requires effective implementation of business processes, their evaluation for the purpose of continuous improvement and achievement of competitive advantages. The process of managing the maritime transport system is considered, which is based on the interaction of its subsystems - vessels, ports, cargo and their management, and which contains a set of certain procedures, business processes that must be implemented effectively and constantly improved. It is emphasized that the implementation of business processes is an integral part of modern successful maritime business. It is determined that the design of business processes, their analysis and improvement is a reserve for increasing competitiveness and achieving key business goals of maritime industry enterprises. It is revealed that the management of maritime business enterprises (transport, ports) requires improving the accounting of indicators based on the diversification of development goals and the implementation of activities by companies, the achievement of which depends, first of all, on the quality of business process implementation. Attention is focused on the development of modern shipping companies, which is significantly influenced by the methods of managing their business processes, the use of effective tools for their assessment with the aim of improvement. The feasibility of implementing an adequate quality management system, in accordance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2015, as a strategic decision for a maritime enterprise in order to improve its business processes for sustainable development is emphasized. A logical and structural scheme for expert assessment of business processes at maritime enterprises has been developed, which will allow identifying problems and establishing a cause-and-effect chain for continuous improvement of their performance and increasing efficiency at all stages of the life cycle.
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