The purpose of the article is to identify the components of the theoretical aspects of the development of domestic startups in the modern conditions of the SPOD and BANI world. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: to consider the components of startup projects and identify the components of the current startup ecosystem of Ukraine; to analyze the features and trends in the development of Ukrainian startups, as well as the SPOD and BANI world; to formulate theoretical aspects of changes that will contribute to the development of domestic startup projects. Analysis and generalization of the concepts of the SPOD and BANI world provided an opportunity to consider the theoretical aspects of the development of startup projects, to identify their features, to highlight key industries of the Ukrainian startup project market. As a result of the study, the components of the startup ecosystem were identified, the development directions of domestic startup projects by business sectors were determined, and theoretical aspects of the functioning of startups in the conditions of the SPOD and BANI world were formed. It was determined that in Ukraine, those entrepreneurs who had an important sign of resilience, since it is an extremely important quality in the BANI world, which in the future has the characteristics of a dominant world, have preserved their existence, strengthened their positions and shown activity, creating new startup projects. Ukrainian startups are an important component of the national innovation ecosystem, their industry diversification covers such key areas as IT, agrotechnology, energy, medicine and education. Startups in the indicated areas require not only special support from the state, but also organizational changes in the structure of the startup's activities to create conditions that meet the conditions of the SPOD and BANI world, because they represent strategically important areas of the country's economic activity. Each model of the world poses unique challenges for startups, but at the same time opens up opportunities for innovation. In the conditions of the SPOD and BANI world, startups must be flexible, technologically advanced, socially responsible and emotionally sensitive. It is worth noting that it is impossible to say unequivocally what path awaits the vast majority of Ukrainian startup projects in a rapidly changing and unstable world, but it is worth noting that the need for developing adaptive skills will grow every year. Over time, entrepreneurs must become increasingly prepared for the conditions of the BANI world.
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