The article examines theoretical and applied approaches to the conceptualization of directions for the formation of economic security of commercial entrepreneurship in conditions of full-scale war. The purpose of the article was to investigate conceptual approaches and solutions for developing measures to eliminate the security problems of commercial enterprise in conditions of full-scale war. It has been proven that commercial entrepreneurship involves solving a number of complicated, often contradictory problems, taking into account national and regional interests, as well as the motives of various social groups of the population. It is argued that the further development of the entrepreneurial environment in Ukraine occurs with certain difficulties, which is explained by various reasons of an objective and subjective nature. The distribution of factors that hinder the development of commercial entrepreneurship is revealed. The definition of "security of commercial entrepreneurship" has been clarified as a set of measures, the implementation of which makes it possible to ensure the economic stability of the enterprise and its development under the uncertainty of the internal and external environment and the risk of investment activity. It is substantiated that the security of commercial entrepreneurship is achieved by creating a system of its support. On the basis of the study of the structural and logical scheme of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise at different levels of management, it is proposed to form it through the implementation of measures and programs to ensure the security of the state, the region, the relevant sphere of economic activity. It is proposed for business structures to use a systematic approach to the organization of the security of commercial entrepreneurship, which is organizational-managerial, technical, preventive and propaganda measures aimed at the high-quality implementation of the protection of the interests of the enterprise from external and internal threats. The topics of the following studies should be the specifics of providing physical protection of subjects of commercial entrepreneurship, as well as information security as a component of economic security of business.
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