Keywords: enterprise economy, international economy, economic entities, foreign economic activity, foreign trade, investments, international markets, global markets, volume growth, export potential, organizational and economic tools


The subject of the research is the processes of formation and implementation of the policy of development of foreign economic activity of domestic enterprises of the real sector of the national economy. It is shown that in the conditions of the war, the issues of transportation, logistics and sales of products on the domestic market, as well as the export of goods and services abroad, became significantly more complicated. In this way, the basic problem of the export of domestic products to foreign markets was supplemented by transportation difficulties, including due to various blockades by the population, businesses, and public activists from neighboring countries. On the other hand, it is argued that increasing the volume of foreign economic activity serves as a sufficiently significant alternative to maintaining the volume of economic activity and ensuring the viability of domestic, including strategic, enterprises in a situation of full-scale war. Based on these principles, the purpose of the study is to substantiate the organizational and economic tools of the corporate policy of stimulating the expansion of the volume of foreign economic activity of domestic enterprises. It is substantiated that the organizational block of such a mechanism consists of managerial and institutional tools designed to improve the management system of increasing volumes and carrying out foreign economic activities of enterprises. While the means of the economic block of the mechanism relate to improving the investment attractiveness of economic entities, the attraction and rational use of investment resources, increasing production capacity, in particular for the production and export of products with a high content of added value, economic stimulation and support for the marketing of domestic products on foreign sales markets.


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