The article explores the need to build a conceptual model of state regulation of financial support for agricultural entities. It has been noted that the prerequisites that contributed to the substantiation of the conceptual model of state regulation of financial support for agricultural enterprises are the activation of the economic development of the farm sector, increasing the efficiency of the functioning of entities operating in it through a balanced financial and credit policy and active investment and innovation policies. It has been outlined that the main goals of state regulation of financial support for agricultural enterprises are to increase production volumes, increase competitiveness, optimize territorial development and location of industry production, solve social and environmental problems, improve the quality characteristics of products, introduce energy-saving technologies, improve the organizational and technological process, and take into account consumer requirements. State regulation of financial support for the development of agricultural enterprises includes three levels of management: state administration bodies of the agrarian complex; regional administration bodies of the agrarian sector of the economy; and agricultural enterprises. It has been substantiated that the state regulation toolkit includes 3 important components: methodological (goals; methods; approaches; principles; forms; functions); organizational (outlining priority areas of development of the industry and enterprises and organizing control over their implementation); managerial (regulatory and legal support and financial and economic component, which includes some incentives - tax, budgetary, credit, investment and the formation of an effective financing system - leasing, lending).The proposed approach allows for a comprehensive study of the issue of state regulation of financial support of agricultural enterprises. It offers practical solutions to improve their financial stability and efficiency.
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