Keywords: electronic document management, information security, international standards, digital transformation, process automation, electronic signature, regulatory framework, enterprise management


The transition to electronic document management allows enterprises to reduce the costs of storing and processing paper documents, ensure greater efficiency and transparency in work, and increase data security through the use of electronic signatures and encryption. The article discusses the relevance of implementing electronic document management in enterprises in Ukraine and globally. In the context of digital transformation and business globalization, the use of electronic document management becomes essential for enhancing the efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises. The article analyzes international standards regulating the use of electronic document management, such as eIDAS, ISO/IEC 27001, XAdES, and others, as well as their implementation in various countries, particularly in Ukraine. The specific features of electronic document management implementation in domestic enterprises are examined. The stages of electronic document management realization in enterprises are analyzed. The regulatory framework of Ukraine in the field of electronic document management and its compliance with international norms is separately reviewed. The authors emphasize the importance of integrating advanced information security management and electronic signature standards to ensure data security and efficient document management. Methodological approaches to implementing electronic document management, including process automation, information protection, and legal compliance, are analyzed. Statistical data on the adoption of electronic document management in enterprises are also provided, demonstrating the growing interest in this technology. The conclusion highlights the necessity for further research and improvement of the regulatory framework, as well as the importance of raising awareness among specialists about electronic document management. The prospects for the development of electronic document management in Ukraine and the world are determined by global digitalization trends, with an emphasis on possible integration with international standards, contributing to improved enterprise management efficiency and readiness for the challenges of the modern business environment.


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