• I. S. Sereda Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: Internet, e-commerce, electronic market, retail sales, Internet users, commercial website


In recent years, there has been a significant increase in e-commerce activity worldwide, with almost 1/3 of the total population now involved; the time spent by users online is increasing, which indicates the importance of e-commerce as a component of a market economy. Studies show that the essence of e-commerce is interpreted by reputable international structures and organizations in approximately the same context, in particular, special emphasis is placed on the use of information and communication technologies for the act of sale and purchase, and certain forms of economic activity are distinguished as components of e-commerce. Peculiarities of electronic commercial transactions in developed countries are traditionally regulated by a number of regulatory and legislative acts. A study of the state of global e-commerce has shown a significant increase in the number of Internet users who are a potential audience for e-market trading structures. In direct proportion to this figure, the volume of retail sales on the Internet has also increased, and the share of electronic transactions has reached almost ¼ of the total volume of global retail trade. The ranking of the positions of individual countries and regions of the world by the share of electronic retail sales showed the undisputed advantage of Asia, with China as the main market player. The Asia-Pacific region is also a leader in terms of both the volume of electronic trading transactions and the rate of new customer acquisition. North America, in particular the United States, which is home to almost half of the world's commercial websites, also demonstrates high growth rates in the e-market. The most popular categories among online shoppers last year traditionally included household appliances and electronics, clothing, footwear and accessories, and food. In addition, the study of consumer behaviour in the e-commerce market confirmed that before making a purchase, users carefully study and compare offers from different sellers, take into account customer feedback and pay attention to the specifics of the sale and delivery of goods. The identified problems faced by modern e-commerce entities in their work can be effectively addressed with the help of digital technologies.


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