The national economy, exhausted by years of war, needs innovative approaches to its long-term development. In our opinion, an important tool for supporting Ukraine during a full-scale invasion, and especially in the postwar period, is the creation of conditions for the functioning of entrepreneurial ecosystems. The aim of the article is to study the genesis of the entrepreneurial ecosystem and its role in the current uncertain environment of the national economy. To achieve this goal, methods of comparison, analogy, historical analysis, synthesis, and tabular method were applied, each of which helped to achieve the set goal. The article provides a critical analysis of the terms “ecosystem” and “entrepreneurial ecosystem.” The origins of the formation of such an economic phenomenon as the entrepreneurial ecosystem and its significance in the modern business environment are analyzed. The author’s vision of this term and its main components, which ensure its effective functioning, is formed. The practical significance of the study lies in improving the understanding of the interconnection and interdependence of all components of the entrepreneurial ecosystem and its impact on the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine’s national economy. Entrepreneurial ecosystems contribute to economic growth by creating new jobs and stimulating innovation. This is extremely important in wartime conditions when the economy suffers significant losses and the unemployment rate constantly rises. Secondly, entrepreneurial ecosystems can help attract both external and internal investments, which is critically important for post-war economic recovery. It should be noted that investors seek stable and promising markets, so the presence of developed entrepreneurial ecosystems will be a significant argument for them. Thirdly, entrepreneurial ecosystems promote the development of small and medium-sized businesses, which are the foundation of the national economy, as these businesses are flexible and able to quickly adapt to an uncertain external environment, which is key during periods of instability. Finally, entrepreneurial ecosystems can contribute to social stability, as they create opportunities for selfemployment and the development of local communities, which can help reduce social tension and promote societal recovery after the war. In the post-war recovery conditions, when many enterprises have been destroyed, creating new businesses and supporting existing ones is critically important. All of the above highlights the crucial role and place of effective entrepreneurial ecosystems in the post-war recovery of Ukraine’s national economy.
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