The static and dynamic modes of the economic order of socio-cultural systems are considered. The diffusion of etatism in modern economic systems is interpreted as an entropic phenomenon associated with the unifying corpusculation of ways of reproducing the system, which leads to inelasticity of reactions during challenges and leads to the paradox of danger from the side of the security system. The normative pattern as a praxeological template resembles a mechanical standard, but is not relevant to it as an axiological model. Creeping latent etatism in open market economy systems is interpreted as an inadequate response of pro-power meritocratic elites to the existential challenges of modernity, associated with the change in the dominant type of culture: from sensual to ideational. The etatist totality of control, through the normative certainty of unifying patterns, is converted into a resource of distributive power that polarizes the world according to the property principle, making impossible a discourse where otherness is a condition of relations a priori. Communicative pleasure as a need of needs is unified into utilitarian practices of uniformity, as a result of which the ontological reality of the communication process is reduced in the modern economy of sensory impressions, where identity as a quality of the whole becomes a relation of the de-essentialized – a nihilistic existence. The etatate-postulated institutional norm of reproduction, claiming to become the quintessence of the general in the individual, mediates human communication with human beings, unifying types of objective activity and reducing them to praxeological-reproductive reflections, collapsing the relation of differences in the exchange processes of axiological exchanges. And since the relations of communicating differences create integrity, etative intervention programs a unified certainty of the ways of appropriating the axiological diversity of the objective world and its figurative reflection on the scale of needs, which is the greatest threat to freedom. This is the “Kingdom of the Grand Inquisitor” – a latently authoritarian system of absolute bio-power on a global scale.
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