• І. Y. Yaremko “Lviv Polytechnic” National University
Keywords: trade enterprise, financial and economic sustainability, management, economic tools


The article substantiates the criterion of financial and economic sustainability as a basic indicator in the management of modern trade enterprises. The purpose of this study is to formulate the conceptual orientation of the adaptation of economic tools for managing the financial and economic sustainability of trade enterprises. It is deter-mined that in crisis economic conditions the criterion of financial and economic for any trade enterprise becomes not only a basis for maintenance of stable activity and the main precondition for its perspective development, but also a landmark of opportunities to carry out the activity in general. The system of tools of the mechanism of the trading en-terprise sustainability management and their basic functions is revealed. It is proved that the improvement or adapta-tion of managerial tools creates opportunities for the trade enterprise to overcome the risks and threats that hinder its sustainable development in the long run. The necessity of adaptation of the existing economic tools for ensuring the efficiency of the processes of trade enterprises sustainability management in the conditions of crisis socio-economic environment is argued. Some aspects of improvement of economic tools in the processes of ensuring sustainable opera-tion of a trade enterprise are formulated. In particular, it is determined that for adaptation a functionally oriented sus-tainability management system of a trade enterprise a significantly improved set of economic tools is needed. To ensure the effectiveness of the sustainability management of the trade enterprises in a crisis socio-economic environment in these tools it is necessary to consider additionally such important factors as the creation of reserves to protect fixed capital, the reality of future costs and revenues as well as the real cost of economic resources and capital.


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