• G. Т. Piatnytska Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
  • М. B. Shevchun Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
  • К. V. Yatsyshyna Department of Regional Development, JSC «Ukrgasvydobuvannya»
Keywords: information support, organization, quality management, logistics processes, enterprise, trade, economic and mathematical modeling, optimization


The article sets the goal, according to which it is planned to develop scientific approaches to the organization of information support for the management of logistics processes in the trade enterprise. To achieve this goal, general scientific and special research methods were used. The main results of the research presented in the article show that the conceptual and categorical apparatus of management theory and the concept of logistics management has been improved. Based on the results of the comparative analysis of "information support", "management information support", "logistics information support" definitions and the allocation of general scientific, managerial and logistical approaches to defining the essence of information support, it is proposed to introduce the concept of “information support of quality management of logistics processes". It is substantiated that from the standpoint of management theory it should be understood as a set of informative data, tools and software products for their collection and / or processing, which are necessary to ensure effective quality management of logistics processes. In the course of the research, the concept of digital management was further clarified by developing and substantiating a scientific approach to the organization of information support for quality management of logistics processes at the trade enterprise. An economic and mathematical model has been built, the application of which in practice allows improving the management system of the enterprise in terms of creating prerequisites for proper information development and management decisions on logistics processes and improving their quality. It is substantiated that under the organization of information support of quality management of logistic processes at the enterprise it is expedient to understand the organizational activity related to creation and further development of information system at the enterprise which activity is directed on minimization of expenses in the process of information decisions formation on the quality of logistics processes. It is concluded that for the formation of quality information support it is necessary to create and develop special data banks (in particular, quality indicators of various logistics processes and methods of their calculation; input data for calculations of the above indicators; methods of management decisions on alternative logistics strategies of trade enterprises based on indicators quality of its logistics processes, etc.). The results of the research will contribute to further development of business processes digitalization in trade enterprises (primarily, digitalization of quality management of logistics processes at these enterprises) and can be used to develop innovative scientific approaches to the choice of logistics strategies.


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