• Andrew Doronin National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”
  • Darya Mykhailenko Research Center for Industrial Development Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: democratization, production organization, personnel, team, management style, delegation of authority, self-management


The purpose of the article is to clarify the content and functions of a democratic approach to personnel management and possible technologies for its implementation. The main tasks of the article are defining the place of authority delegation and self-management in the system of methods of personnel activity management, determining their essence and stages of implementation in practice. The relevance of the research topic is determined by the need for significant clarifications of research processes and practical implementation of democratization of personnel man-agement at the level of a production organization. The critical resource of such an organization is formed by employees with unique knowledge, skills and abilities, whose motivation is not influenced by classical management methods. The effective behavior of such employees largely depends on their positive emotional perception of the situation and the desire to use their own unique abilities to solve a critical situation. The article substantiates the essence and content of the relevant system of concepts and categories, the feasibility of using technologies of authority delegation and self-management for the study and practical implementation of a democratic style of administration. The category of “ad-ministration” is interpreted as a complex socio-economic process that is used to organize the impact on processes, objects, systems in order to maintain their sustainability or transfer from one state to another in accordance with the objectives. The concept of “management” is interpreted as an integral part of administration. By its content it charac-terizes the purposeful influence made on a team of employees or individual performers in order to perform the tasks and achieve certain goals. “Democracy” is a special mode of activity of a team, which is based on the method of collective decision-making with equal influence of the participants on the outcome of the process or its essential stages. “Self-management” is a form of management democratization, which provides employees with the opportunity to participate in the decision-making process, to influence the state of affairs in the organization. The list of recommendations on the development of technology for democratization of personnel management is given. When writing the article, a system of classical empirical and theoretical methods of economic research was used, supplemented by the methods of the scienc-es of the humanities.


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