The article considers the main causes of labor migration under the influence of increasing openness of the world economy, deepening of international labor division, intensification of European integration. The aim of the article is to systematize the economic and non-economic determinants of the development of labor migration from Ukraine, as well as to substantiate its positive and negative economic and social consequences. The characteristics of migration flows from Ukraine in 2010, 2015 and 2019 are given. The economic and non-economic determinants of labor migration of the country's population are systematized. Proven that the current pace of labor migration from Ukraine is due, on the one hand, to the difficult economic situation within the country, and, on the other hand, to the growing demand for labor resources in the European labor market. Modern features of migratory flows of workers from Ukraine are revealed. The socio-economic significance of international migration in helping to overcome poverty is substantiated. The expediency of considering the consequences of labor migration in terms of short-term and long-term consequences is proven. Since the consequences of labor migration cannot be assessed unambiguously, its positive and negative consequences from both economic and social points of view are considered. The system of measures to regulate labor migration of the population of Ukraine should be based on an in-depth study of trends and determinants of its development in conjunction with global trends in migration processes' development. Public policy measures should be aimed, on the one hand, at regulating labor migration from Ukraine, supporting labor migrants through con-sular and employment services, and, on the other hand, at creating conditions for adaptation and consolidation in the domestic labor market of returned migrants, motivating them to invest in the domestic economy. Further research should be aimed at studying the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on migration processes, as well as forecasting the volume of migration flows and the capacity of the domestic labor market in different scenarios of the pandemic.
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