The article considers conceptual approaches to the essence of encouraging innovativeness of employees from their creative activities aimed at improving the functional, organizational, administrative structure of enterprises, organizations and institutions in order to increase the efficiency of production, economic, educational and scientific activities. The information and managerial innovations are described. Different approaches to innovative activity for introduction of more perfect forms of the organization of work and management of production, maintenance of labor activity connected with application of the acquired knowledge, creative abilities, professionalism of workers are shown. Under conditions of a competitive environment development, exactly knowledge, creative abilities, developed infor-mation needs, ability to learn and retrain, motivation of self-development determine the possibility of innovative activity of employees, ultimately - their competitive advantages in the labor market. The factors influencing the innovative ac-tivity of employees, which can not be the same for different people, because different people have different levels of motivation, creative and intellectual abilities, speed of mental processes, are revealed. Training and motivating of em-ployees are aimed at forming an active and qualified staff, which, along with the material base and organization of activities is one of the main factors of the work quality. Competence is considered as a set of personal abilities, knowledge and skills of the employee, which allows him to solve a certain group of professional problems. The compe-tence-based approach is actively used in recruitment, selection, evaluation and promotion of staff. Highly qualified employees achieve completely different results of their work due to different personal qualities, natural abilities, work experience, ethics, etc. These differences should be reflected in the wage system. According to the study results a system of work incentives has been developed, taking into account competencies with different types of labor encouraging. The classification of competences is proposed on the basis of which the most important for devel-opment and application by staff during professional activities are determined.
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