The development of the pharmaceutical industry has an all-planetary scale. The foreign economic activities in this industry are important for the competitiveness of these enterprises. The leaders in the global pharmaceutical market are multinationals that are active in external activities and create barriers for entry of new companies. The theoretical and practical aspects of foreign economic activities are revealed in the article. The essence of the concept "foreign economic activity" has been investigated and formulated by the authors. Also, its importance for the successful functioning of enterprises in the field of pharmaceuticals was presented in the work. The article also presents a number of characteristics in the activity of enterprises in this field, which determines the competitiveness of companies in the world market. So, the authors paid considerable attention to the research in this field and to the main difficulties that arose in the process of their implementation. The article also presents an analysis of the problem of the corporate needs for systematic investments and the capacity of the research base. The research base is undoubtedly one of the factors for successful business in the field of pharmaceuticals. An analysis of leading pharmaceutical companies with statistical justification is presented. The article also presents the share of R&D expenditures on pharmaceutical companies revenues. A comparative analysis of the costs of research between a number of high-tech industries is presented: aerospace, manufacturing of computers and office equipment, production of electronic communications, pharmaceutical industry. Despite the difficult times for humanity and the world economy, successful pharmaceutical companies have a very high profitability from their operations. A system of factors that has a direct impact on the activity of pharmaceutical enterprises is identified in the article. One of the aspects that is discussed in the article is the state regulation of pharmaceutical companies. Other specific aspects of functioning and development of enterprises in pharmaceutical industry are presented by the authors.
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