The article analyzes the state of the restaurant industry of Ukraine in 2019 -2020, in particular during the economic crisis caused by the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and the consequences of anti-pandemic measures. Suspension of activities, significant reduction of services and financial losses affected the overall situation, encouraging institutions to refrain from minimizing costs, optimize staff, increase the efficiency of internal processes, intensify their activities by introducing economically viable innovations. At the present stage of development of the restaurant industry it is impossible to operate without technical innovations, the introduction of which rapidly modernizes organizational processes in institutions and allows not only to improve the existing situation, but also acts as a successful investment in future development. Among the current and promising are: the organization of fast delivery, opening a dark kitchen (special closed kitchens delivery service), integration of delivery applications with metering systems or POS-systems, the introduction of QR-menus, installation of specialized software for mobile devices from restaurants, the use of soft-ware for planning and personnel management, management of waiting lists, booking and occupancy of tables and the use of interactive tables that create additional convenience for the customer when choosing dishes, serve as an addi-tional entertainment device while waiting for an order. The effective activity of the restaurant business is directly relat-ed to the innovation policy of its structural components. If this policy is not available in the catering business, it devel-ops very slowly. With possible aspects of improvement, it is possible not only to increase the amount of the average check and the number of orders of the restaurant, but also to stimulate its economic growth.
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