In the current conditions of tourism development, there is an urgent need for a systematic study of the general and specific properties of the hotel business, its organization, patterns of development and management, its intersectoral and infrastructural relationships. Hotel innovations continue to be analyzed only in the narrow range of additional services that the hotel can provide to its customers, and their investment development continues to remain outside the scope of comprehensive economic analysis. The article analyzes the dynamics and development of innovations in the field of services. It was found that innovations are a huge stimulus for the further development of the hotel business contributing to compliance with world standards of hotel services. The article substantiates the need to introduce innovations in domestic hotel enterprises in order to reach more potential consumers of hotel and restaurant product. Based on the study, the author draws conclusions about the feasibility of using innovations as an important tool for the development of hotel enterprises. It is generalized that the use of new technologies of investment processes management in the hotel and restaurant business at the present stage of economic development is an important task, which is of great interest to managers of enterprises in this field. The conducted research gives grounds to claim that the dynamics of development of the Ukrainian market of hotel services reflects the main world tendencies and modern practice. It is concluded that the use of international experience in the development, implementation and application of new models of innovative hotel concepts is a very important and significant task for the modern hotel services in Ukraine.
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