• A. І. Stetsevich University of Banking
Keywords: efficiency, optimality, operational activity of the enterprise, logistics policy, logistics concept


The aim of the article is to identify the formation of theoretical and methodological ideas about the con-cept of "efficiency" and "optimality" in terms of outlining their identities and differences. It is argued that the optimiza-tion of operating activities is to identify strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, current risks and existing control measures, manifested in the definition of such production, which will provide opportunities to increase operational efficiency and reduce costs.
The research materials reveal the features of strategic management of enterprises activities based on the applica-tion of logistics concepts. The purposes of logistic activity of the enterprise are outlined. Peculiarities, applied princi-ples and strategic priorities of logistics concepts in the modern economic environment are investigated, the expediency of their use in achieving the goal and the purposes of the enterprise’s activities are argued. It is noted that the concepts of the end of the twentieth century were based on the opportunities and needs of regrouping costs and reducing invento-ries, which fully determines the production marketing concept. It is analyzed that the following concepts are based on quality management, on determining and forecasting demand and ensuring the reduction of stocks. Such conceptual difference is determined by the change in approaches to the organization of production and development strategy of the company. Among the methods of scientific research in the article used the method of expert evaluation in development the structural form of logistics concepts, methods of analysis and synthesis in the comparative characterization of the concepts of "efficiency" and "optimality", the method of dialectics - in identifying links between operational efficiency and optimization of product and cash flows.


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