The article considers the peculiarities of the introduction of information technologies in the manage-ment system of organizations that provide hotel services. It is determined that in Ukraine the use of modern information technologies becomes a tool of competition in the hotel business. The role of information resources as a necessary con-dition for effective management of a hotel enterprise is generalized. The factors influencing the level of development and introduction of information technologies in hotels are analyzed. Measures to improve the management system of the hotel complex have been identified and proposed. Common features in the introduction of information technologies in hotels are the automation of planning, accounting and management of the main activities of the hotel complex. The purpose of this article was to study the state of implementation of information technologies in the management system of the organization on the example of the hotel complex Fest Hotel in the city of Lviv. The expediency of introduction of modern information technologies in hotel complexes is substantiated. The information system proposed by the authors for the Fest Hotel allowed to exclude from the range a lowly profitable services and replace them with new, more effi-cient ones. The economic effect is also obtained from the provision of services via the Internet. As a result of the use and implementation of the automated information system, fixed and variable operating costs have been reduced, in particular for maintenance and current repair of the hotel premises, maintenance of communication systems as well as quality of services and skills of employees have been improved. A plan for the introduction of information technologies has been developed, which, according to the authors, will have a significant economic effect and help increase the com-petitiveness of hotel complexes.
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