The article reveals the essential characteristics of the criteria for improving the efficiency of tools for commercialization of high-tech products and identifies a multi-criteria approach to assessing the effectiveness of these tools. The horizontal classification of criteria of efficiency increase of commercialization on functional aspects of activity of the enterprises is developed as well as the meaningful presentation and interpretation of these criteria proposed. A system of quantitative performance indicators corresponding to each of the criteria is proposed. The aim of the study is to determine the optimal criteria for assessing the effectiveness of commercialization in the horizontal, functional aspect of the high-tech sector, taking into account the non-market environment, forming a multicriteria portfolio of analysis of this market to further create an appropriate multifactor model. Despite current domestic developments, determining the most optimal criteria for assessing the effectiveness of commercialization of high-tech products remains a promising task. It should be noted that certain areas of business related to consumer needs and non-market environment, namely marketing, image, integration and ecology for a long time remained out of the attention of domestic researchers. All-in-all, the proposed methodological approaches to assessing the effectiveness of high-tech commercialization, it should be noted that the further development of a multi-criteria approach to improving the commercialization of high-tech product and technology is to create an appropriate model based on a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods of efficiency. Nine identified criteria for assessing efficiency, namely: economic, technological, financial, marketing, resource, social, environmental, image, integration is a clear reflection of a set of specific relationships in the field of high-tech products in quantitative and qualitative terms, is a sufficient condition for further modeling as component of the strategy of commercialization of high-tech product.
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