The article deals with the current state of the Transcarpathian tourism industry, which is a priority area of socio-economic development of the region, describes the unique geopolitical location of the region. The aim of the article is to study the state and determine the directions of the development of tourism in the Transcarpathian Region as a component of the tourism industry of Ukraine. The study found that in recent years there has been an unstable de-mand for tourism services of tourist market entities at different levels of the administrative-territorial division of the state, depending on the influence of geographical, political, socio-economic, demographic, psychological and other factors. Based on the study of statistical information, the tourist flows in the Transcarpathian Region during the years 2001-2018 have been analyzed, the objective factors that characterize their dynamics of growth or decline have been indicated. It has been established that collective accommodation facilities occupy an important place in the infrastruc-ture of the recreational industry. The data on collective accommodation facilities and children's health and recreation establishments that worke in summer have been analyzed. The share of Transcarpathia in the tourism industry of Ukraine has been determined by the number of tourists served by tourist operators, citizens who have traveled abroad and visited Ukraine, by the number of hotels and similar facilities, their capacity and the number of people staying in these establishments. It has been defined that taken into account a considerable tourist potential of Transcarpathia, there is a need for a systematic approach to the development of the tourism industry of the region, the development and implementation of a set of measures that will ensure the sustainable development of the region. Further research should be aimed at examining the impact of financial, economic and socio-economic factors on the development of tourist flows in the regions of Ukraine using econometric methods and models.
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