• I. V. Grischenko Vinnytsia Educational-Scientific Institute of Economics of Ternopil National Economic University
  • N. V. Bilecka Vinnytsia Cooperative Institute
  • V. A. Ciganchuk Vinnytsia College of Economics and Entrepreneurship of Ternopil National Economic University
  • O. V. Mazur Kyiv University of Market Relations
Keywords: investments, innovations, projects, efficiency


The article reveals the relevance of the study of the current state of the economy, which depends on the competitive advantages of individual industries, economic entities, as well as the state itself. It is noted that in the economic literature there is no single approach among scientists to determining methods for ensuring the efficiency of investment&innovative projects in modern business conditions. Methodical tools for ensuring the efficiency of investment&innovative projects in the modern conditions of economic development of our state determines the principles of implementation, management tasks, powers and obligations of participants as well as a set of managerial decisions aimed at ensuring the efficiency of implementation. The main users of the methodical tools in the process of ensuring the efficiency of investment&innovative projects are generalized. The role of the subject of project management is revealed. The level of social effect in the process of implementation of investment&innovative project is investigated. The role of the subject of public administration, which determines the behavior of members of the industry cluster in the process of achieving goals through the development of appropriate regulatory and methodical support for their activities, as well as direct administrative action is revealed. The components of ensuring the efficiency of investment&innovative projects: organizational, managerial, economic are studied. The stages of organizational, managerial, economic components of ensuring the efficiency of investment&innovative projects are given. The tasks of the enterprises - participants of projects are defined. The ways of a unified state policy in the field of social and economic initiatives support by public authorities are proposed. The system of informational support of investment&innovative projects is recommended. According to the authors, the proposed set of methods to ensure the efficiency of investment&innovative projects, containing organizational, managerial and economic components, will provide the effective implementation of management functions at each stage of project implementation, as well as ensure the efficiency of the projects themselves.


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