• A. V. Tarasiuk Kherson National Technical University
  • N. V. Meshkova-Kravchenko Kherson National Technical University
Keywords: united territorial community, self-government, local self-government, competitiveness of the territorial community, economic development


The article examines the peculiarities of the implementation and results of local community reform in Ukraine, analyzes the essential elements of the model of administrative management implemented in the country and studies the international experience of local government models. European experience shows that the key to the suc-cessful implementation of decentralization reforms is the significant internal organizational work that precedes the reform process, and the programs themselves must take into account all local specifics. In order to ensure the success-ful implementation of reforms in Ukraine, it is necessary to abandon attempts to directly transfer the European experi-ence without taking into account national and local peculiarities, to focus on specific features and phenomena of pro-cesses inextricably linked with economic reproduction. It is pointed out that having a significant natural resource po-tential, local communities in Ukraine are constantly faced with a lack of a number of resources, which indicates a mis-match of resource potential to the structure of the economy of the regions and the country as a whole. It is determined that the investment needs for the re-establishment of normal livelihoods of local communities far exceed the revenues to local budgets. In order to ensure the economic component of the development of territorial communities in Ukraine, local authorities need to create a favorable environment for doing business, attracting local and foreign investment in the region's economy, providing maximum assistance to companies operating in the community. Further research should be aimed at determining the factors that increase the efficiency of the economic component of the development of territorial communities.


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