• H. A. Zaiachkovska Khmelnytskyi Cooperative Trade and Economic Institute
  • Yu. O. Vlasiuk Khmelnytskyi Cooperative Trade and Economic Institute
  • А. О. Sicula Khmelnytskyi Cooperative Trade and Economic Institute
Keywords: innovations, trade marketing, sales promotion, everyday goods, staging, omnichannel, in-store tools


The article considers the use of trade marketing tools in the market of everyday goods in the conditions of economic turbulence caused by the COVID-19 epidemic. The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence of tools to stimulate consumer demand and explore the use of innovations in trade marketing in the FMCG market. An analysis of the essence of trade marketing revealed that manufacturers use the Push-strategy to push products through the market-ing channel to distributors, and they, in turn, push the goods to retailers. It is determined that among the tools to in-crease consumer demand, which are used in trade marketing, there are sales incentives on the sell-in & sell-out system, special events and merchandising. At the same time, trade incentives are carried out in order to: persuade trade enter-prises to buy goods in large quantities; increase the level of trade support for goods; build relationships and provide incentives at the request of the distribution channel participants. End-user inducement involve the use of measures aimed at existing consumers, the involvement of casual consumers as well as incentives for non-consumers. A study of the current state of the FMCG market in Ukraine revealed the following trends: consumers tend to choose products carefully; buyers in the shopping process appreciate the speed of the purchase, the width and depth of the range of goods and their price; retail trade focuses more and more on the buyer and his emotions; manufacturers use analytical data to plan promotional activities, implement automation for intelligent sales forecasting, gamification, etc.; use of non-standard merchandising that evokes emotions and impressions; participation in events. The study highlighted the following innovations in trade marketing in the FMCG market: automation of all marketing tools, integration of digital and traditional marketing tools in planning promotion campaigns, use of staging to attract customers, ensuring rapid product availability to customers, use omnichannel and in-store communications for simplification of goods purchase. Further research should focus on in-depth study of shopper marketing at food products stores.


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