• O.O. Gudzovata Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • A.V. Kostenko Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • М. І. Плеша Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: information technologies, information systems, automation projects, methodology and evaluation methods


In the management process to ensure the competitiveness and development of the enterprise an important aspect is the introduction and use of innovative technologies and IT-solutions. IT-projects are designed to automate many basic business processes of an enterprise: from finances to production management. The goals of their implemen-tation are the integration of different types of information, the creation of relationships between the relevant subsys-tems, the formation of a unifying platform of business partners, charterers, suppliers, manufacturers, customers, em-ployees in a single infospace. Every IT-project should be considered as a type of investment. That is why before the implementation of a particular project it is necessary to accomplish a feasibility study, identify risks, determine the effect of investment. Automation of enterprise’s activity is considered as a business process of complex business design. An IT-project should also be considered as a business project that affects the company's performance in the long run. Correct assessment of its efficiency is an important issue of business development and evaluation in general. Methods for assessing the cost-effectiveness of IT-projects can be different and require a choice in each particular situation. The uniqueness of each IT-project is due to the list of external and internal factors, as well as the characteristics of each individual enterprise. Therefore, unambiguous conclusions and recommendations on methods for assessing the efficien-cy of the IT-projects implementation are quite difficult in practice. The article attempts to explore and generalize differ-ent approaches, methodologies and methods of IT-projects evaluation, to develop general rules for choosing the evalua-tion method. For the analysis of efficiency of IT-projects implementation the most acceptable are classical financial methods of an estimation in combination with qualitative. Also, when choosing a method of evaluating an IT-project, it is important to take into account the ratio of its cost and efficiency with integration into the current system of business design of the company.


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