The article examines topical issues related to the peculiarities of managerial decision-making in a crisis conditions. The purpose of the article is to identify key points in the decision-making of personnel management at tour-istical enterprises in a crisis conditions. Confirmation of the relevance of this issue is the implemented analysis, which indicates the frequent forming and making decisions by enterprises top-managers in a crisis conditions. The study found that managerial decisions in crisis situations are mostly stabilizing or liquidating in nature. It is revealed that in domestic touristical enterprises the decisions made by the management most often concern search of sources of the tour sales, revision of a pricing policy, optimization of expenses, search for additional financial resources. It was found that in a crisis situation, management had to make decisions in conditions of emotional and psychological tension associated with a number of factors. The key factors in assessing the emotional and psychological burden on the manager who makes decisions in a crisis conditions, determined by the psychological state, the intensity of the management process, violation of the regime of work and rest, conflict situations in the team, emotional burnout, intellectual load, proper assessment by colleagues, limited time. It is concluded that the choice of technology for managerial decision-making is determined by the peculiarities of the enterprise operation in a crisis conditions. Among the potential technologies - "technology of result-oriented management ", "technology of management by constant checks and instructions", "technology of management in exceptional cases". The stages of the decision-making process in a crisis conditions are identified. In conditions of crisis, technologies focused on staff and their needs are practically not used, which provides for the priority of interpersonal relationships, a system of incentives and rewards for employees. Further studies can be focused at forming an effective mechanism of managerial decision-making in a crisis conditions.
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