• O. І. Klipkova Lviv Educational and Scientific Institute of Banking University
  • V. Yu. Borutska Lviv Educational and Scientific Institute of Banking University
Keywords: team, collective, creativity, corporate culture, creative thinking, social laziness, motivation, resource, potential


The purpose of the article is to identify the features of formation an effective creative team in the organization, to study the impact of innovative culture on the achievement of management goals. The relevance of the research topic is determined by the constantly increasing importance of the role and characteristics of staff in achieving the goals of the enterprise. The article analyzes the reasons for the lack of creative thinking among employees, possible ways of its development through the use of a range of methodologies and approaches. Threats to team creativity are revealed, in particular the phenomenon of social laziness and how to avoid it. It is noted that effective team management is a key factor in the success of the organization through competent motivation of employees, proper selection of participants to the team, providing the opportunity to freely express and present their ideas or arguments. The focus is placed on the tools for implementing an innovative culture and the ability to create a team. Such activities have an incredibly powerful and beneficial impact not only on employees, but also on their ability to do everything necessary to achieve the success of the organization. Emphasis is placed on the components and criteria for assessing the innovative culture of the enterprise. The components of the assessment of creative resources of the enterprise’s employee are singled out as well as the directions of their development for the formation of employees loyalty to the place of their work are determined. The types and ways of using internal motivation in order to form a positive impact on the labor productivity of groups in a team are presented. The article notes that the actual performance of a team depends on three factors: potential performance of the management team, synergy and threats. It is determined that members of a cohesive team are able to modify behavior, if there is any internal pressure, in favor of group norms. The article focuses on the effect of the social laziness of the team as a group effect in social psychology, one of the mechanisms of team functioning, which was discovered by Maximilian Ringelman.
The researcher determined that the productivity of the group does not exceed half the amount of productivity of its members. A list of recommendations for improving group dynamics in the fight against social laziness is given. When writing the article, a range of empirical research methods was used in order to form a theoretical construction of a creative team.


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