The article characterized urban bus passenger transportation and examines its impact on the financial performance of auto companies. It is important to review this topic in terms of passenger transportation in Ukraine by public transport, indicating the share of road transport. Changes in the growth rates of passenger transportation for the studied years are determined. Features of auto companies activity abroad are revealed. The dynamics of passenger transportation by urban road transport is also calculated as well as transportation in the Western region of Ukraine is considered. The purpose of the article is to compare statistics for identification the causes of unprofitable transporta-tion and find ways to stabilize its financial condition. The study found that unprofitability of transportation is primarily due to the poor quality of service, as a result of which many passengers use either cheaper urban electric transport, taxi or own car. It is noted that the way to improve the financial condition of auto companies by raising prices did not give the expected results. Despite the regular price increase, the activities of road transport companies remain unprofitable, and passenger transportation further carried out at a low level. In addition, the lack of comfort and proper service further provokes a decrease in demand for the use of passenger road transport. Therefore, it is necessary to urgently review the main approaches to the development strategy of auto companies, the application of radical changes in their activities, and hence the introduction of appropriate changes in accounting. The issue also arises of incomplete reim-bursement of tolls for transportation of privileged categories of passengers. According to the research, it was conclud-ed that it is necessary to revise the main legislative documents on road transport, taking into account the foreign experience and to reflect these changes in financial accounting. Providing road transport with innovative technologies will contribute for expanding internal reporting that is very important for managerial decision taking. In addition, these innovations will give the opportunity to monitor the actual use of auto fuels and lubricants and adjust the standards set for them.
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