Modern approaches of scientists to the concept of strategic management of banking institutions are con-sidered. Comparative issues of banks' activity in accordance with today's crisis conditions are considered. The bank management system is characterized on the basis of the strategy of gradual enfolding of the retail network and digitali-zation of management in the following areas: development of an online strategy for the gradual closure of the bank's branches, focused on the target audience; improving the organizational structure of the bank based on increasing the role of social media manager; reduction of the employees number; renewal of self-service terminals and introduction of multi-channel technological support; improving the online customer support system; search engine optimization; use of all opportunities of social networks; improving of content marketing, mobile and media advertising, customized mes-sages for each bank client. The stages of strategic management under the conditions of digitalization of banking institu-tions are determined. The peculiarities of decomposition of digital strategic management of banking services for deter-mining the possibilities of fast satisfaction of customer demand and its consistent implementation in the bank are high-lighted. Particular attention is paid to the development of an effective customer support system based on branding. The characteristic features of the modern financial system are determined. The expediency of using the provisions of the new financial system, which is born in the collaboration of traditional banks and fintech companies, is substantiated. The peculiarities of digital strategy introduction in “Raiffeisen Bank Avalˮ JSC are characterized. The key factors of increasing public confidence in the banking system in modern conditions are highlighted. Perspective directions of further scientific researches in this direction are determined.
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