The article considers the directions of accounting system improvement in the housing and utility managing companies under the conditions of digitalization. Creating an institutional environment for the implementation of the accounting system functions in the enterprise’s digital environment is necessary to ensure the legitimacy of transactions in the accounting system in general. The accounting approach for the formation and use operations of material and technical base of such companies has been proposed. Based on the peculiarities of the housing and utility managing companies’ activities two types of this base for accounting purposes is highlighted: 1) material and technical base, which belongs to the company on property rights; 2) material and technical base, which is in responsible storage. The described methodology includes: determination the sub-processes in the researched business process and business operations of the housing and utility managing companies; concretization and improvement of accounting correspondence on operation taking into account the tax legislation; clarification of the approach to the cost measurement of accounting objects. The approach to estimation of future expenses and payments endowment for repair of material and technical base has been characterized. For creating the long-term or short-term endowment for future costs for planned repairs of material and technical base, the authors recommend to calculate the amount of monthly funding, based on the intensity of equipment functioning. Author's recommend improvements con-sidering the requirements of national tax legislation and requirements of the information disclosure in the financial statements of the managing company. The use of this approach in the calculation of endowment of future costs for planned repairs allows an economical assessment of such provisions based on the principle of compliance of income and expenses.
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