• K. V. Shkriba Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • О. М. Safianyk Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • O. S. Voronko Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: receivables, payables, bad debts, methods of analysis, financial condition, indicators, management


As a result of business relationships entered into by companies in the course of their activities, there may be mutual monetary and material obligations, which are divided into receivables and payables. One of the important tasks in the event of non-payment is the systematic analysis and appropriate management of receivables and payables. The purpose of the article is to reveal the economic essence of receivables and payables of the enterprise, consideration of modern methods of their analysis, identification of the main shortcomings and problems in managing these debts and finding ways to solve them. The article considers the substantive characteristics of receivables and payables. In the conditions of inflation, receivables are defined as a source of credit for the activities of buyers on a very favorable basis (interest-free credit) and emphasized the need for effective management actions aimed at regulating its value. The main elements of the methodology of analysis of enterprise’s receivables and payables are studied. Factors influencing the amount of receivables and payables are considered. Measures contributing to acceleration the repayment of receivables (preliminary study of the financial condition of the debtor, timely and correct documentation, the use of modern and effective forms of payment) are identified. Methods of receivables management, is proposed to classify into the following groups: legal, economic, psychological, physical. The system of indicators by means of which it is possible to estimate a condition of receivables and payables of the enterprise is generalized. Ways to solve the problems of debts repayment to the company are substantiated. It is proved that the analysis of receivables and payables in the management system of the enterprise involves consideration of external and internal factors, quantitative and qualitative indicators, determining the average debt, its share in total assets and liabilities, valuation of debt by maturity, identifying risks and threats regarding non-refund. A promising area of research is the study and use of world best practices in the analysis and management of receivables and payables of economic entities.


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