• R. P. Pidlypna Uzhgorod Trade and Economic Institute of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: social policy, social guarantees, budget expenditures, quality of life, unemployment, distance learning


The key problems that significantly limit the growth of the competitiveness of the social protection system in Ukraine are gaps in state regulation and imperfections and infrastructure of the social sphere, which determines the objective need to strengthen the social functions of the state. The article is devoted to the study of the impact of quarantine restrictions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic on the development of the social crisis in Ukraine and to identify possible ways to overcome it. It is noted that during the crisis, caused by quarantine restrictions, such elements of social development as the system of medical care, provision of educational services, public transport as well as recreational facilities were negatively affected. It is proposed to determine the solution of the tasks of the state social protection policy not only by economic resources that the state can direct on their implementation, but also to consider it as the most important factor of economic growth in the post-crisis period of socio-economic growth because due to purposeful social policy the conditions for growth and implementation of the innovative potential of society’s labor resources appear. It was found that the redistribution of expenditures of the State Budget of Ukraine allowed to direct additional funds for social protection in conditions of pandemic, namely the purchase of medical services, additional payments to employees directly employed in overcoming the Covid-19 threat or provide livelihoods, providing financial assistance to the elderly and unemployed, subsidizing the Pension Fund of Ukraine. Categories of citizens who were left out of the attention of social protection programs were identified: employees due to hidden unemployment, private entrepreneurs, migrants, self-employed persons, young people who first entered the labor market. It is proposed to regulate flexible formats of employment at the state level, to provide them with full-fledged labor and social guarantees. The main social problems of distance learning and the corresponding risks of social inequality for the development of human capital are identified. Further research should be focused on the study of social aspects of the quarantine restrictions impact on pensions and access to health services, which will identify possible institutional tools for improving social policy.


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