• N. R. Baluk Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • N. F. Basij Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: communications, communication barriers, level of awareness, inclusive education, inclusion, child with special educational needs, benefits of inclusion


The article analyzes the statistical indicators of the number of people with special educational needs in Ukraine and in terms of individual regions. A significant number of children with special educational needs necessitate the introduction and development of an inclusive education system as opposed to their segregation in specialized boarding schools. With the help of content analysis of official sites, insufficient content of Internet resources of the main state education authorities and some public organizations was revealed. Based on the analysis of the results of the questionnaire survey of teachers of secondary schools in Lviv and Lviv region, a low level of objective assessment of inclusion and superficial awareness of the details and specifics of inclusive education was revealed. It is investigated that in general the school environment of Lviv and Lviv region has formed a sufficiently favorable environment for the implementation of inclusion. The main communication links between the participants in the inclusion process are out-lined and a sufficient level of communication in any direction is not identified. There are no communication links be-tween government bodies, the public, and parents of normolipemic children. There is a minimum level of communica-tion between children with special educational needs, their parents and other children and their parents in inclusive classes. The advantages of the introduction of inclusive education for all participants of inclusion process and society in general are formulated, which will allow all members of society to freely receive all necessary public services and guarantees, as well as bring mutual benefits. The main barriers to communication in the environment of inclusion at different levels are outlined: the personal level of teachers, the level of the immediate school environment of children with special educational needs, the whole-school and general education levels, as well as at the public level. Most communication barriers are due to a lack of information about the features and benefits of inclusive education inroduc-tion. Based on the analysis of essence and nature of obstacles, measures to eliminate them are formulated.


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